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Många kunder som redan betalat via Klarna får felaktiga påminnelser från Fortnox. Betala inte. Det beror på ett tekniskt fel hos vår tjänsteleverantör. Mejla gärna info@arken.se och skriv "FELFAKTURA + fakturanummer" som rubrik/ärende. Tack. Vi beklagar den olustiga situationen.

Attachment in Psychotherapy

0 kr
468 kr - 468 kr
468 kr
468 kr - 468 kr
468 kr
SKU 978-1-59385-456-0

Translating attachment research and theory for clinicians, this eloquent book describes an innovative framework for adult psychotherapy that is grounded in what we know about childhood development.

Advancing a model of treatment as transformation through relationship, the author integrates attachment theory with neuroscience, trauma studies, relational psychotherapy, and the psychology of mindfulness.

Vivid case material illustrates how therapists can tailor interventions to fit the attachment needs of their patients, thus helping them to generate the internalized secure base for which their early relationships provided no foundation.

Demonstrating the clinical uses of a focus on nonverbal interaction, the book describes powerful techniques for working with the emotional responses and bodily experiences of patient and therapist alike. [Språk: Engelska] Inbunden

Titel: Attachment in Psychotherapy
Förlag: Guildford