Bibelvetenskap - GT

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Mina bibliska vänner och jag: på besök i Gamla testamentets berättarvärld

I lager

Bibeln innehåller hundratals berättelser. De skildrar hur Gud vandrar med sitt folk genom tider av krig och fred, välstånd och nöd, och de vittnar ...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
476 kr
476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr

Gud och det utvalda folket

I lager

Gud och det utvalda folket är en introduktionsbok med fokus på historiska, litterära och teologiska frågeställningar i relation till Gamla testamen...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
476 kr
476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr

Enoks bok


"Henochs bok" utgavs ursprungligen 1901 på P. A. Hultbergs Bokförlags AB i Stockholm. Utgåvan var en "översättning från den av orientalisten och te...

199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
618 kr - 618 kr
618 kr
618 kr - 618 kr
618 kr

Genesis, Revised Edition: A Commentary

Westminster John Knox

Rad, Gerhard Von

618 kr - 618 kr
618 kr
618 kr - 618 kr
618 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

Figural Reading and the Old Testament

Baker Academic

Don Collett, an experienced Old Testament scholar, offers an account of Old Testament interpretation that capitalizes on recent research in figural...

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

A Boundless God: The spirit according to the old testament

Baker Academic

The word ruah (commonly translated as breath, wind, spirit, or Spirit) occurs in the Old Testament 378 times--more frequently than torah, shalom, o...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr

A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms: The Psalms as Torah


McCann, J Clinton

278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr

The Art of Biblical Poetry


Alter, Robert

309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr

The Case for the Psalms: Why They Are Essential


Wright, N T

175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
420 kr - 420 kr
420 kr
420 kr - 420 kr
420 kr

The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel

Baker Academic

Longman, Tremper III

420 kr - 420 kr
420 kr
420 kr - 420 kr
420 kr
488 kr - 488 kr
488 kr
488 kr - 488 kr
488 kr

An Introduction to the Study of Wisdom Literature


Weeks, Stuart

488 kr - 488 kr
488 kr
488 kr - 488 kr
488 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr

Introduction to the Psalms: A Song from Ancient Israel


Declaisse-Walford, Nancy L

278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
278 kr - 278 kr
278 kr
695 kr - 695 kr
695 kr
695 kr - 695 kr
695 kr

The Face of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Contemporary Approaches

Baker Academic

Baker, David W (Editor), Arnold, Bill T (Editor)

695 kr - 695 kr
695 kr
695 kr - 695 kr
695 kr
481 kr - 481 kr
481 kr
481 kr - 481 kr
481 kr

David Observed: A King in the Eyes of His Court

Sheffield Phoenix

Bodner, Keith

481 kr - 481 kr
481 kr
481 kr - 481 kr
481 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr

Psalms: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series


Brown, William P

236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
360 kr - 360 kr
360 kr
360 kr - 360 kr
360 kr

Old Testament Theology: A Thematic Approach

Ivp (Usa)

Routledge, Robin

360 kr - 360 kr
360 kr
360 kr - 360 kr
360 kr
768 kr - 768 kr
768 kr
768 kr - 768 kr
768 kr

Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume One


Gillingham, Susan

768 kr - 768 kr
768 kr
768 kr - 768 kr
768 kr
292 kr - 292 kr
292 kr
292 kr - 292 kr
292 kr

The Psalms

Sheffield Academic

Day, John

292 kr - 292 kr
292 kr
292 kr - 292 kr
292 kr
210 kr - 210 kr
210 kr
210 kr - 210 kr
210 kr



Kidner, Derek

210 kr - 210 kr
210 kr
210 kr - 210 kr
210 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Att riva Babels torn

Artos & Norma
I lager

Att konfronteras med Gamla testamentets texter skulle vara som att »bli drabbad av en chock, av en bedövande åskvigg«. I alla fall om man frågade f...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

Joshua to Kings

I lager

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr

Ruth - The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary

Eerdmans Publ Co

McKeown, James

199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr

The Original Story

Eerdmans Publ Co
Slut i lager

Barton, John & Bowden, Julia

229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Siseras sista strid

Slut i lager

En karismatisk och kraftfull härförare, Sisera, som förutom tusentals vältränade soldater och kavalleri även kommenderar 900 järnbeslagna stridsvag...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Ordet är dig mycket nära: tolkningar av Gamla testamentet

Artos & Norma
Slut i lager

Vad sysslar de med, de gammaltestamentliga exegeterna i Sverige? Undervisar förstås, men vad mer? Vad forskar de om? i den här boken får du en del ...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Old Testament Parallels


Old Testament Parallels has been, since its first edition, one of Paulist Press's best-regarded and best-selling titles. It has brought fresh and r...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible

Hendrickson Publ

What is the source of wisdom? What is the biblical understanding of it, and how is it revealed? In this book, T. A. Perry brings his creative impul...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr

Eden Narrative: A Literary and Religio-historical Study of Genesis 2-3


In a book marked by unusually readable yet academic style, Mettinger transforms our knowledge of the story of Eden in Genesis. He shows us a story ...

379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr

Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church

Baker Book House

Product Description The contemporary church dismisses Christianity's foundational Scriptures at its own peril. However, the teachings of the Old Te...

131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Praying the Psalms: Engaging Scripture and the Life of the Spirit


A readable and powerful call, by a leading Old Testament scholar, to pray with and through the Psalms. Walter Brueggemann pushes his readers to re...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Come out, My People - God’s Call out of Empire in the Bible and Beyond


This landmark work provides a compelling vision of two religions—one of »creation» and the other of »empire» - running throughout the Hebrew and Ch...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr

In God’s Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible

Yale U P

In this eagerly awaited book, political theorist Michael Walzer reports his findings after decades of thinking about the politics of the Hebrew Bib...

259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

God Remembered Rachel: Woman’s stories in the Old Testament and why they matter


A lively investigation into key narratives involving women in the Bible. Designed for use by individuals or groups, with questions for reflection o...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Jonah’s Arguments with God: The Honeymoon Is Over!

Hendrickson Publ

In this refreshing and thoughtful interpretation of the biblical book of Jonah, T. A. Perry seeks to recover the book's prophetic thrust: how Jonah...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature: an Exegitical Handbook


At one time, Old Testament apocalyptic literature was relegated to the more obscure reaches of biblical scholarship, acceptable to occasionally ref...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
313 kr - 313 kr
313 kr
313 kr - 313 kr
313 kr

Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible


This comprehensive Companion to the Hebrew Bible offers a broad overview and survey of Old Testament study. It consists of newly commissioned arti...

313 kr - 313 kr
313 kr
313 kr - 313 kr
313 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr

Jonah’s Journey


The book of Jonah has been richly commented upon by centuries of Christians and Jews. Writers of prose and poetry have loved it as well as those i...

237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
201 kr - 201 kr
201 kr
201 kr - 201 kr
201 kr

From Ancient Writings to Sacred Texts

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

The books constituting the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, have a complex history of authorship, resulting in a variety of styles, perspectives, an...

201 kr - 201 kr
201 kr
201 kr - 201 kr
201 kr
252 kr - 252 kr
252 kr
252 kr - 252 kr
252 kr

Homicide in the Biblical World

Cambridge U P

Analyzing the treatment of homicide in the Hebrew Bible, this study demonstrates that it is directly linked to the social structure and religion of...

252 kr - 252 kr
252 kr
252 kr - 252 kr
252 kr
280 kr - 280 kr
280 kr
280 kr - 280 kr
280 kr



[Språk: Tyska] Häftad

280 kr - 280 kr
280 kr
280 kr - 280 kr
280 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr

Isralite Religions: An Archaelogical and Biblical Survey

Baker Book House

From the Publisher Archaeological excavation in the Holy Land has exploded with the resurgence of interest in the historical roots of the biblical...

265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
218 kr - 218 kr
218 kr
218 kr - 218 kr
218 kr

Templeless Age: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the Exile

Westminster John Knox

It was in the sixth century BCE that the state of Judah fell and along with it the temple of Yahweh, the place of divine presence offering divine p...

218 kr - 218 kr
218 kr
218 kr - 218 kr
218 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr

Rachel Weeping: Jews, Christians, and Muslims at the Fortress Tomb


Describes the influence of the Christian Right, Christian Zionists, and Dispensationalists on U.S. Middle East policy in recent years. [Språk: Enge...

190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
273 kr - 273 kr
273 kr
273 kr - 273 kr
273 kr

Introduction to the Prophets


This volume introduces college students and adult learners to biblical stories about the prophets as well as the theology and teachings of each of ...

273 kr - 273 kr
273 kr
273 kr - 273 kr
273 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Prophecy and Hermeneutics


Product Description A fresh wave of studies on the prophets has appeared in recent years. Old Testament scholar Christopher R. Seitz has written Pr...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Old Testament Theology Volume One: Israel’s Gospel


Synopsis In this first volume of his three-volume Old Testament Theology, John Goldingay focuses on the narrative of the Old, or First, Testament. ...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr

Solomon among the Postmoderns


Product Description In Ecclesiastes, Solomon states that »all is vapor» and describes humans as trying to »shepherd the wind.» In Solomon among the...

145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
3 649 kr - 3 649 kr
3 649 kr
3 649 kr - 3 649 kr
3 649 kr

Hebrew and Aramic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Volumes 1 + 2

E J Brill

Brill is pleased to present this Study Edition of the The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament in two handy volumes. It has proven to be...

3 649 kr - 3 649 kr
3 649 kr
3 649 kr - 3 649 kr
3 649 kr