Bibelvetenskap - Intertestamentalt & apokryft

180 kr - 180 kr
180 kr
180 kr - 180 kr
180 kr

Hidden Sayings of Jesus - Words Attributed to Jesus Outside the Four Gospels

Slut i lager

Morrice, William

180 kr - 180 kr
180 kr
180 kr - 180 kr
180 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr

Unknown sayings of Jesus

Wipf And Stock Publishers
Slut i lager

Fuller, Reginald H

200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr

The Unknown Sayings of Jesus

Slut i lager

Meyer, Marvin

155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr

The Lost Sayings of Jesus

Slut i lager

Smith, Andrew Philip

200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr

The Lost Books of the Bible

Slut i lager

Hone, William

119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
357 kr - 357 kr
357 kr
357 kr - 357 kr
357 kr

Biblical Interpretation Then and Now: Contemporary Hermeneutics in the Light of the Early Church

Baker Academic

Dockery, David S

357 kr - 357 kr
357 kr
357 kr - 357 kr
357 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr

Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology


Gundry, Stanley N (Editor), Meadors, Gary T (Editor)

236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
225 kr - 225 kr
225 kr
225 kr - 225 kr
225 kr


Slut i lager

"Dessa är de fördolda ord, som den levande Jesus sade, och Didymos Judas Thomas skrev dem. Och han sade:: Den som finner uttrydningen av dessa ord,...

225 kr - 225 kr
225 kr
225 kr - 225 kr
225 kr
251 kr - 251 kr
251 kr
251 kr - 251 kr
251 kr

Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance

Baker Book House

Product Description In this accessible book, David deSilva introduces the Old Testament Apocryphal books and summarizes their context, message, and...

251 kr - 251 kr
251 kr
251 kr - 251 kr
251 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr



"Dessa är de gömda ord som den levande Jesus talade..." Thomasevangeliet, även kallat "det femte evangeliet", hittades 1945 i Egypten. Det är inge...

169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr

Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction


Everyone has heard of of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but amidst the conspiracies, the politics, and the sensational claims, it can be difficult to separa...

79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
207 kr - 207 kr
207 kr
207 kr - 207 kr
207 kr

Sayings Traditions in the Apocryphon of James

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

The discovery and publication of the Apocryphon of James from Nag Hammadi has significantly expanded the spectrum of early Christian literature abo...

207 kr - 207 kr
207 kr
207 kr - 207 kr
207 kr
163 kr - 163 kr
163 kr
163 kr - 163 kr
163 kr

The Gospel According to Judas

Macmillan Distr Ltd

Ostensibly written by Judass son, Benjamin, and following the style of the Gospels, this re-creation is a provocative, riveting, plausible, and con...

163 kr - 163 kr
163 kr
163 kr - 163 kr
163 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr

Christian Beginnings and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Baker Book House

Product Description Were first-century Jews expecting a messiah? Were other messiahs mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Were key early Christian sy...

158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr

Lost Letters of Pergamum

Baker Book House

Product Description Transported two thousand years into the past, readers are introduced to Antipas, a Roman civic leader who has encountered the w...

158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls


Since 1957, Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J., has done extensive study and research on the Dead Sea Scrolls, along with having written many publications on th...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
205 kr - 205 kr
205 kr
205 kr - 205 kr
205 kr

Mary Magdalene: The Woman Whom Jesus Loved

Canterbury Norwich

The figure of Mary Magdalen has fascinated and perplexed people for centuries. She is portrayed in the Gospels as a neurotic woman, possibly with ...

205 kr - 205 kr
205 kr
205 kr - 205 kr
205 kr
1 500 kr - 1 500 kr
1 500 kr
1 500 kr - 1 500 kr
1 500 kr

Qumran und die Archäologie - Wissenschaftliche Untersuchen zum Neuen Testament 278

Mohr Siebeck

In der Diskussion um die Funde von Qumran ist in den letzten Jahren verstärkt die Archäologie in den Blick getreten. Dieser Band, der im Kern auf ...

1 500 kr - 1 500 kr
1 500 kr
1 500 kr - 1 500 kr
1 500 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr

Book of Enoch: Together with a Reprint of the Greek Fragments


[Språk: Engelska] Inbunden

389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr

Dödahavsrullarna: Svensk översättning


FÖR FÖRSTA GÅNGEN finns nu här en samlad översättning av Dödahavsrullarna på svenska. Flertalet av dessa skriftrullar härstammar från det första år...

479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Valentinianernas evangelium

I lager

Valentinus av Alexandria var en teolog och predikant vars verksamhet under det andra århundradet fick stort genomslag. Valentinianernas evangelium ...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr