
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr

7 Deadly Sins: A Very Partial List

Harvard U P

There is no society without right and wrong. There is no society without sin. But every culture has its own favorite list of trespasses. Perhaps th...

227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr

Acting Person and Christian Moral Life

Weaver, Darlene Fozard

What may we say about the significance of particular moral actions for one's relationship with God?In this provocative analysis of contemporary Cat...

319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Ambassadors of Reconciliation, Volume 1: New Testament Reflections on Restorative Justice and Peacemaking

Myers, Ched & Enns, Elaine

This volume offers four N.T. studies on restorative justice and peacemaking (2 Cor 5-6; Mark 1-3; Matt 18; and Ephesians).»Exceedingly rare and a p...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Ambassadors of Reconciliation, Volume 2: Diverse Christian Practices of Restorative Justice and Peacemaking


This volume offers three social-analytic models and nine profiles of contemporary practitioners of restorative justice and peacemaking. »People wh...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
208 kr - 208 kr
208 kr
208 kr - 208 kr
208 kr

Angel Directs the Storm

Scm Canterbury Ltd

This passionately argued book provides the first in-depth investigation of the religious politics of current American neo-conservatism. It shows t...

208 kr - 208 kr
208 kr
208 kr - 208 kr
208 kr
89 kr
89 kr - 89 kr
89 kr
45 kr
45 kr - 45 kr
45 kr

Ärligt talat – dialog som livshållning

Gustafsson, Lisbeth
I lager

Dialog är vägen till kunskap i vår tid. När vi lyssnar och knyter an till varandras erfarenheter blir vi medvetna om vår roll som deltagande observ...

89 kr
89 kr - 89 kr
89 kr
45 kr
45 kr - 45 kr
45 kr
211 kr - 211 kr
211 kr
211 kr - 211 kr
211 kr

At Home in a Strange Land: Using the Old Testament in Christian Ethics

Hendrickson Publ

Reading difficult passages of the Old Testament is a bit like visiting a foreign land-exciting, exotic, even a bit unnerving, especially when deali...

211 kr - 211 kr
211 kr
211 kr - 211 kr
211 kr
285 kr - 285 kr
285 kr
285 kr - 285 kr
285 kr

Atrocity Paradigm: A Theory of Evil


Description What distinguishes evils from ordinary wrongs? Is hatred a necessarily evil? Are some evils unforgivable? Are there evils we should to...

285 kr - 285 kr
285 kr
285 kr - 285 kr
285 kr
192 kr - 192 kr
192 kr
192 kr - 192 kr
192 kr

Behaving in Public: How to Do Christian Ethics

Biggar, Nigel
I lager

192 kr - 192 kr
192 kr
192 kr - 192 kr
192 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders


Theological conversations about violence have typically framed the discussion in terms of victim and perpetrator. Such work, while important, only ...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
327 kr - 327 kr
327 kr
327 kr - 327 kr
327 kr

Bioethics: an Anthology, 2nd ed.


A collection of readings in bioethics, this work provides coverage of issues such as reproduction, genetics, life and death, and animal experimenta...

327 kr - 327 kr
327 kr
327 kr - 327 kr
327 kr
386 kr - 386 kr
386 kr
386 kr - 386 kr
386 kr

Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics


Presents an exposition of Christian ethics, seen through the lens of Christian worship. This work challenges conventional approaches to the subjec...

386 kr - 386 kr
386 kr
386 kr - 386 kr
386 kr
404 kr - 404 kr
404 kr
404 kr - 404 kr
404 kr

Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics


Written by internationally renowned scholars, this Companion maps the moral teachings of the world's religions, and also charts new directions for ...

404 kr - 404 kr
404 kr
404 kr - 404 kr
404 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Blessing Same-Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage

Jordan, Mark D.

At most church weddings, the person presiding over the ritual is not a priest or a pastor, but the wedding planner, followed by the photographer, t...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr

Bonhoeffer's Black Jesus

Williams, Reggie L.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer publicly confronted Nazism and anti-Semitic racism in Hitler's Germany. The Reich's political ideology, when mixed with theolog...

549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
607 kr
607 kr - 607 kr
607 kr

Bortom humanismen

Grenholm, Carl-Henric

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
607 kr
607 kr - 607 kr
607 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr

Buddhist Ethics - A Very Short Introduction

Keown, Damien

* Written by one of the few academics worldwide who specializes in the area, this is the only short introduction to Buddhist ethics available.* Add...

79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
79 kr - 79 kr
79 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Carnal Knowledge of God: Embodied Love and the Movement for Justice


Theologian, pastor, and seasoned activist Rebecca M. M. Voelkel offers a theological vision of embodied love, informed by her own experience, resea...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
478 kr - 478 kr
478 kr
478 kr - 478 kr
478 kr

Christ and the Moral Life: With a new preface by the Author


In this book, originally published in 1968, James M. Gustafson asks the fundamental question, what is the significance of Jesus for the moral life?...

478 kr - 478 kr
478 kr
478 kr - 478 kr
478 kr
410 kr - 410 kr
410 kr
410 kr - 410 kr
410 kr

Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications


What does the history of Christian views of economic life mean for economic life in the twenty-first century? Here Daniel Finn reviews the insight...

410 kr - 410 kr
410 kr
410 kr - 410 kr
410 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr

Christian Ethics - A Brief History

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

This enlightening book steers readers through the challenges and moral issues, providing a clear and decisive history of the main figures and texts...

279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Christian Ethics: A Guide for the Perplexed

T & T Clark

Christian ethics is a most perplexing subject. This Guide takes the reader through the most fundamental issues surrounding the question of Ethics ...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
555 kr - 555 kr
555 kr
555 kr - 555 kr
555 kr

Christian Realism and the New Realities

Lovin, Robin W

Lovin, Robin W

555 kr - 555 kr
555 kr
555 kr - 555 kr
555 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr

Christian Theology: An Introduction

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Christian Theology: An Introduction, one of the most internationally-acclaimed Christian theology textbooks in use, has been completely rewritten f...

649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr

Christianity and Human Rights

Georgetown University

A wide-ranging look at Christianity and human rights. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad

245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

Conscience in Conflict

Overberg, Kenneth R

Overberg, Kenneth R

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Democracy on Trial

Marston Book Services Ltd

Even as Russia and the other former Soviet republics struggle to redefine themselves in democratic terms, our own democracy if faltering, not flour...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr

Den avhumaniserade människan

Hægerstam, Glenn
I lager

Doc. Glenn Hægerstam har under sin medicinar- och forskargärning i huvudsak ägnat sig åt smärtlindring. Hans förra bok, Den lidande människan, hand...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr

Den moraliska journalisten: En analys av yrkesetik, ideal och dygder

Uppsala Universitet, Universitetsbiblioteket

[Språk: Svenska] Häftad

216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr

Den svårlösta konflikten - om den ofödda människan

Slut i lager

I föreliggande bok behandlas en av de svåraste konflikterna i dagens samhälle, den om det ofödda barnet. Inte mångafrågor är mer laddade och sällan...

190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Det etiska kravet

Lögstrup, K E

K E Løgstrups (1905-1981) studie Det etiska kravet publicerades första gången på danska 1956. Den har sedan dess kommit ut i otaliga upplagor och h...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Det fredliga riket : En introduktion till kristen etik

Artos & Norma

Stanley Hauerwas (f. 1940) är idag en av USA:s mest inflytelserika teologer och etiker. Denna bok är på en gång en lärobok i kristen etik, en intro...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

Det icke förhandlingsbara - En debattbok mot dödshjälp

I lager

Under ett par decennier har röster höjts för att tillåta dödshjälp i Sverige. Frågan är ett hett debattämne bland sjukvårdsfolk, teologer, filosofe...

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr

Do Morals Matter?


Serving as a guide to contemporary ethical issues, this book discusses comparative religious ethics, moral philosophy, and applied ethics. It also...

282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
450 kr - 450 kr
450 kr
450 kr - 450 kr
450 kr

Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics

T & T Clark

This book addresses an important topic and fills a major gap in developments in modern theology and Christian ethics. Significant treatments includ...

450 kr - 450 kr
450 kr
450 kr - 450 kr
450 kr
1 330 kr - 1 330 kr
1 330 kr
1 330 kr - 1 330 kr
1 330 kr

Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature


This is an essential and indispensable reference work, covering the fascinating relationship between religion and nature. »The Encyclopedia of Rel...

1 330 kr - 1 330 kr
1 330 kr
1 330 kr - 1 330 kr
1 330 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr

Environmental Ethics: An Anthology


Featuring the best of traditional and contemporary approaches to environmental philosophy, Environmental Ethics: An Anthology brings together semin...

498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Eroteo och Ömhetens Son


Var i den kristna kulturen finner den erotiskt mogna människan bejakelse och förebilder? Måste kristen tro vara något man växer ur i takt med det ...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
474 kr - 474 kr
474 kr
474 kr - 474 kr
474 kr

Ethical Theory


»Ethical Theory» is an authoritative collection of key essays that address the central questions of morality. Its broad scope includes coverage of...

474 kr - 474 kr
474 kr
474 kr - 474 kr
474 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr

Ethics in Light of Childhood

Georgetown University

Childhood faces humanity with its own deepest and most perplexing questions. An ethics that truly includes the world's childhoods would transcend ...

419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr

Ethics in the Presence of Christ

T & T Clark

By casting the identity of Christ as the One-Who-Is-Present, Holmes concentrates on how Christ ministers his power, truth, and love in the Spirit f...

389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
840 kr - 840 kr
840 kr
840 kr - 840 kr
840 kr

Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction

Gensler, Harry

Gensler, Harry

840 kr - 840 kr
840 kr
840 kr - 840 kr
840 kr
619 kr - 619 kr
619 kr
619 kr - 619 kr
619 kr

Etik i arbete med människor

Henriksen, Jan-Olav Vetlesen, Arne Johan

Henriksen, Jan-OlavVetlesen, Arne Johan

619 kr - 619 kr
619 kr
619 kr - 619 kr
619 kr
371 kr - 371 kr
371 kr
371 kr - 371 kr
371 kr

Etik i socialpolitik och socialt arbete

Blennberger, Erik

Etik är ett klassiskt tema som fått ny aktualitet. Intresse för etik kan uttrycka en kärlek till livet och gör oss uppmärksamma på frågor om värde ...

371 kr - 371 kr
371 kr
371 kr - 371 kr
371 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr

Etikdidaktik - Grundbok om etikundervisning i teori och praktik

Författare: Franck, Olof Författare: Löfstedt, Malin

Författare: Franck, Olof Författare: Löfstedt, Malin

419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
419 kr - 419 kr
419 kr
387 kr - 387 kr
387 kr
387 kr - 387 kr
387 kr

Etiskt ledarskap med fokus på skolan

Starratt, Robert J.

Hur kan skolledaren utveckla sitt arbete till att gälla mer än de rent tekniska dimensionerna?Robert Starratt, internationellt känd forskare inom e...

387 kr - 387 kr
387 kr
387 kr - 387 kr
387 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr

Exploring Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Key Methods and Debates

Hovey, Craig
I lager

[Språk: Engelska] Häftad

259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
305 kr - 305 kr
305 kr
305 kr - 305 kr
305 kr

Feminism utan gränser : avkoloniserad teori, praktiserad solidaritet

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade

305 kr - 305 kr
305 kr
305 kr - 305 kr
305 kr