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Många kunder som redan betalat via Klarna får felaktiga påminnelser från Fortnox. Betala inte. Det beror på ett tekniskt fel hos vår tjänsteleverantör. Mejla gärna info@arken.se och skriv "FELFAKTURA + fakturanummer" som rubrik/ärende. Tack. Vi beklagar den olustiga situationen.

Quo Vadis? Collegiality in the Code of Canon Law

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
SKU 978-1-85607-786-6
A masterful and highly accessible study of how Vatican II's teachings on collegiality, or how power and responsibility were to be shared between the Pope and the college of bishops within the Catholic Church, have either been sidetracked or not yet come to fruition. Against the background of `silencings' by the Vatican of Irish priests, and the results of the Association of Catholic Priests recent survey of Catholic attitudes, this thoughtful and balanced assessment is very timely. Written by a highly respected public figure who served as Ireland's President for 14 years, Quo Vadis is a timely contribution to the ongoing debate within the global church on where we are going.

Titel: Quo Vadis? Collegiality in the Code of Canon Law
Förlag: Arkendev