Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical + Post-Biblical Antiquity, Volume I: A-Da
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269 kr
269 kr
269 kr
269 kr
269 kr
269 kr
SKU 978-1-61970-460-2
Written and edited by a worldclass historian and also by a highly respected biblical scholar, this unique reference work provides background cultural and technical information on the world of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament from 2000 BC to approximately AD 600.Articles on domestic life, technology, culture, laws, and religious practices are rarely found in available Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, but here they are explained in detail, accompanied by bibliographic material for further exploration. Articles range from 5-20 pages long.While the authors are well known, they have also recruited 35-40 experts in the actual fields being discussed in numerous cases, and thus the series is further strengthened by the high level of scholarship applied to each of the articles. Scholars, pastors, and students (and their teachers) will find this to be a very useful resource for biblical study, exegesis, and sermon preparation.
Titel: Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical + Post-Biblical Antiquity, Volume I: A-Da
Förlag: Arkendev