Willow Tree

Willow Tree är en intim serie figurativa skulpturer med ett diskret budskap om att läka, trösta, skydda och inspirera. Susan Lordi handsnidar varje ursprunglig figur. Uttrycket uppenbaras endast genom gester. En lutning av huvudet, placering av händerna, en vridning av kroppen. Enkelheten i form och avsaknaden av ansiktsdrag kännetecknar Willow Tree.

Många av Susans nya skulpturer handlar om kärlek, att dela kärlek, omges av kärlek och uppleva kärlek, med all dess universella dragningskraft. Hennes klassiska formspråk och uttryck är Willow Trees signifikanta stil, men hennes skulpteringsteknik och användning av nya material och utförande är under ständig utveckling.

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr



Hope (hopp) Höjd: 15,5 cm A gift to support and encourage hope and healing.

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr



Guardian (väktare) Höjd: 15 cm “Guardian represents the overwhelming feelings of motherhood, and the desire to protect your new baby forever. The...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr

Adorable You (dark dog)

I lager

A puppy brings joy, exuberance and a bit of chaos into the household at first, then mellows over time to become a companion, a playmate, a confidan...

489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

You’re The Best!

I lager

You're The Best! (du är den bästa!) Höjd: 13,5 cm

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Angel’s Embrace

I lager

Angel's Embrace (ängels omfamning) Höjd: 13 cm “This piece can be about the feeling you get from holding a child, or the child can represent some...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Thoughtful Child


Thoughtful Child (tankfullt barn) Höjd: 8 cm The Roses in my Garden™ collection of six children represents boys and girls of different ages and pe...

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Something special

I lager

Something special (något speciellt) Höjd: 14 cm “The gesture of something special is one of protection and caring for something precious... our ch...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr



Soar (sväva) Höjd: 13,5 cm “The gesture of the figure and the bird communicates forward movement... being uplifted, moving onward; a release of ho...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr



Quietly (lugnt) Höjd: 13,5 cm “I've learned, as a mother, sister, daughter, wife, that the communication of touch can be very healing, not only fo...

379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Kindness (boy)

I lager

Kindness (boy) (vänlighet (pojke)) Höjd: 8 cm “I really like the simplicity and truth of this sentiment, Above all, kindness. Kindness is a virtue...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Inquisitive Child


Inquisitive Child (frågvist barn) Höjd: 9 cm The Roses in my Garden™ collection of six children represents boys and girls of different ages and pe...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr


I lager

Grateful (tacksam) Höjd: 22,5 cm A gift to celebrate friendships, or for those who love flowers!

379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Angel of Mine


Angel of Mine (min ängel) Höjd: 17 cm "This piece is inspired by the memory of holding my children when they were really tiny … holding them so c...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr

My Guy

I lager

Höjd: 15,5cm My Guy is carved to the same scale as other family figures, in particular the seated children. His posture and downward gaze creates ...

549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
549 kr - 549 kr
549 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr

Ever Remember

I lager

Ever Remember Höjd: 18 cm “I want this piece to be very personal to someone who has lost a loved one. The form is very simple, very pure. I think...

529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Love you

I lager

Love you (älskar dig) Höjd: 14 cm "Two small words, said frequently in parting, which mean so much! This figure displays your feelings—on the reco...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Love My Cat (dark)

I lager

Love My Cat (dark) (Älskar min katt(mörk)) Höjd: 4,5 cm

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Love My Dog (dark)

I lager

Love My Dog (dark) (älskar min hund (mörk)) Höjd: 8,5 cm

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Thank You

I lager

Thank You (Tack) Höjd: 13,5 cm “'Thank You' is an expression we use daily… from an impersonal quick comment to a more heart-felt appreciation of s...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Lots of Love

I lager

Lots of Love (mycket kärlek) Höjd: 13 cm This figure has universal appeal in both symbol and sentiment. Delicate outlines of concentric hearts spa...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Angel of the Kitchen


Angel of the Kitchen (kökets ängel) Höjd: 13 cm Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protecti...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr

Together Cake Topper

I lager

Together Cake Topper (tillsammans tårtapper) Höjd: 16 cm A romantic, commemorative keepsake for weddings and anniversaries, or any celebratory eve...

429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr

That’s my Dad

I lager

That's my Dad (det är min pappa) Hönd: 11 cm "When my son was young, I remember how he craved physical playtime with his Dad—wrestling on the floo...

598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Surrounded by Love


Surrounded by Love (omgiven av kärlek) Höjd: 13 cm “I wanted to make a figure with her face in the flowers, taking them in with her senses — smell...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr


I lager

Quest (söka) Höjd: 10 cm "Quest was inspired by my son, who is currently immersed in the research and documentation of other cultures. The idea of...

379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Joyful Child

I lager

Joyful Child (glädjefyllt barn) Höjd: 8 cm The Roses in my Garden™ collection of six children represents boys and girls of different ages and pers...

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Imaginative Child


Imaginative Child (fantasifullt barn) Höjd: 7 cm The Roses in my Garden™ collection of six children represents boys and girls of different ages a...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr



Home (hem) Höjd: 22 cm “I wanted to capture the time in your life when there’s a lot of excitement, happiness, yet a big unknown. This piece conn...

479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr


I lager

Grandfather (farfar/morfar) Höjd: 14 cm "Willow Tree is a reminder of someone we want to keep close, or a memory we want to touch... I like for t...

479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr



Friendship (vänskap) Höjd: 13,5 cm A gift to celebrate friendships, or for those who love flowers!

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr

Close to me


Close to me (nära mig) Höjd: 21 cm “This piece came on strong as my daughter moved to France earlier this year. I will miss her terribly, but at...

429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Child of my Heart


Child of my Heart (mitt hjärtas barn) Höjd: 23 cm “I wanted to do a piece that is influenced by the rich diversity in our culture — with multi-ra...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr



Cherish (omhulda) Höjd: 21 cm “I love to hear from people who see in my figures who or what they want to see. I like that level of participation ...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr

Brother and Sister

I lager

Brother and Sister (bror och syster) Höjd: 14 cm “The sentiment ‘By my side’ alludes to the shared background we have with our siblings; the unsp...

429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr

Sister Mine

I lager

Sister Mine (söstra mi) Höjd: 12 cm “I have two little granddaughters. One minute they’re squabbling over a toy or jostling for attention, and the...

379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
379 kr - 379 kr
379 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
569 kr
569 kr - 569 kr
569 kr

Radiance (lighter skin)

I lager

A gift of support and encouragement as a reminder that beauty radiates from within. For one gaining strength and confidence, overcoming adversity o...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
569 kr
569 kr - 569 kr
569 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Remembrance (darker skin)

I lager

A gift to express sympathy, comfort, remembrance and healing. Now available with darker skin and hair.

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr


I lager

A gift for graduates or to celebrate special accomplishments…to encourage, support and acknowledge individual strength.

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr

Adorable You (golden dog)

I lager

A puppy brings joy, exuberance and a bit of chaos into the household at first, then mellows over time to become a companion, a playmate, a confidan...

489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr

Little One


Little One Höjd: 10 cm

649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr

Loving My Mother

I lager

Loving My Mother Höjd: 16.5 cm “As I was sculpting this piece, I was thinking about being—there—for my mom in however she needs me. Realizing how ...

598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
598 kr - 598 kr
598 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr


I lager

Sanctuary (fristad) Höjd: 17 cm A guardian angel for Mother's Day, a new baby gift, or a healing piece in times of loss.

429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr


I lager

Wishing (önskar) Höjd: 17 cm “This is a very open piece, in which the giver and receiver participate in defining its meaning. The giver can fill i...

529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr


I lager

Vigil (vakande) Höjd: 26 cm

529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
529 kr - 529 kr
529 kr
2 498 kr - 2 498 kr
2 498 kr
2 498 kr - 2 498 kr
2 498 kr


I lager

Créche (stall) Storlek: 43x51x29 cm

2 498 kr - 2 498 kr
2 498 kr
2 498 kr - 2 498 kr
2 498 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Angel of Prayer

I lager

Angel of Prayer (bönens ängel) Höjd: 10,5 cm Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection,...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr

Little Shepherdess

I lager

Little Shepherdess (lilla herdinnan), 3 figurer Höjd: 13,5 cm “I view this angelic figure as an earthly personification of love. Her gaze and gest...

479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
479 kr - 479 kr
479 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Good Health


Good health (god hälsa) Höjd: 13,5 cm Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection, to som...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr