Willow Tree

Angel of Healing

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
Beställningsvara Leveranstid ca 2-6 veckor
SKU WT26020
Angel of Healing (helandets ängel) Höjd: 13,5 cm “This was the first piece that I sculpted in the summer of 1999. It came about intuitively, and so it was natural that the result ended up being very open to interpretation. The bird can be protection, comfort or healing. When I created it, I was thinking about the idea of fragility and how we sometimes need to heal our inside — our soul. A bird is so fragile and vulnerable … a metaphor for our inner feelings. This piece helped define Willow Tree.” —Susan Lordi A gift to comfort and encourage hope and healing.

Titel: Angel of Healing
Förlag: WillowTree™