
345 kr - 345 kr
345 kr
345 kr - 345 kr
345 kr

Creating Young Martyrs: Conditions That Make Dying in a Terrorist Attack Seem Like a Good Idea


The authors explain how and why we must understand the conditions that spur youths to become martyrs by making them think suicide bombings and othe...

345 kr - 345 kr
345 kr
345 kr - 345 kr
345 kr
599 kr - 599 kr
599 kr
599 kr - 599 kr
599 kr

Drums of Redemption: An Introduction to African Christianity


Sindima, Harvey

599 kr - 599 kr
599 kr
599 kr - 599 kr
599 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr

Remote Virtue: A Christian Guide to Intentional Media Viewing


Television and movies shape popular culture, with audiences often unaware of how media messages influence the way they think, act, and view the wor...

439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr

Ultimate Journey: Death and Dying in the World’s Major Religions


Rosen, Steven J.

389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr