
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Acts of the Apostles - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 5


Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and relevance of the New Testament to t...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

Acts of the Apostles: Sacra Pagina 5 (Harrington, Daniel J. Editor)


The Acts of the Apostles is the second volume in the two-part writing scholars call Luke-Acts. It continues the story begun in the Gospel of Luke,...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 15

I lager

Comprehensive and understandable, these books bring the relevance of the Old Testament to Bible study participants, teachers, students, preachers, ...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
204 kr - 204 kr
204 kr
204 kr - 204 kr
204 kr

Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initation: The origins of the R.C.I.A.


Reproduces the four sets of sermons dating from the fourth century concerning the three sacrements of initiation. A valuable reference for catechet...

204 kr - 204 kr
204 kr
204 kr - 204 kr
204 kr
262 kr - 262 kr
262 kr
262 kr - 262 kr
262 kr

Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation


McDonnell, Kilian (Author)

262 kr - 262 kr
262 kr
262 kr - 262 kr
262 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr

Benedictine Tradition


When St. Benedict wrote his »little rule for beginners» in the fifth century, he could not have known it would shape the lives of religious men and...

184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Book of Revelation - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 12


Full of awesome and gruesome scenes that seem to provoke more fear than faith, the Book of Revelation is often read as a roadmap through the doom a...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr

Coming Together for the Sake of God


For more than thirty years the discussion group »Jews and Christians» sponsored by the Central Committee (a federation of groups) of the German Cat...

227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Communio Sanctorum


Communio Sanctorum is the most recent product of the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue in Germany and the first major Lutheran-Catholic ecumenical stateme...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr

Costly Freedom: A Theological Reading of Mark’s Gospel


With this study of the Gospel of Mark, Brendan Byrne completes his trilogy of works on the Synoptic Gospels. Mark, the »Cinderella gospel,» as Byrn...

265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Deuteronomy - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 6

Slut i lager

The book of Deuteronomy forms the foundation for much of the Old and New Testaments. In this commentary J. Edward Owens highlights the key motifs a...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr

Dominican Tradition: Spirituality in History


The first volume in a spirituality anthology series provides readers a window into Dominican spirituality. Readers will learn the core spiritual v...

173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
368 kr - 368 kr
368 kr
368 kr - 368 kr
368 kr

Dwelling in the Household of God


Dwelling in the Household of God moves us from seeing Gods dwelling place as the Temple to seeing Gods dwelling place within the community of belie...

368 kr - 368 kr
368 kr
368 kr - 368 kr
368 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church: A History


There have been twenty-one universal gatherings - ecumenical councils - of the Catholic Church. The first opened in 325, the last closed in 1965, ...

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

Epaphras: Paul’s Educator at Clossae - Paul’s Social Network: Brothers + Sisters in Faith


Human beings are embedded in a set of social relations. A social network is one way of conceiving that set of relations in terms of a number of per...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Exodus - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 3


So resounding is its message that echoes of the Exodus are heard throughout the Old and New Testaments and the present. Exodus names and terms perm...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr

Ezekiel, Daniel - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 16

I lager

The books of Ezekiel and Daniel provide some of the most memorable stories and images of the Old Testament: the blazing wheeled throne of God leavi...

149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Ezra, Nehemiah - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 11

I lager

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah relate the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon during the rule of the early Persian kings. For a long time, int...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

First and Second Chronicles - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 10

I lager

Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and relevance of the Old Testament to t...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

First and Second Corinthians - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 7


What was originally part of an ongoing dialogue between Paul and the community at Corinth has become vital in today's Christian worship. Maria A. P...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

First and Second Kings - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 9

I lager

The books of Kings view Israel's history through the theological lens of action. Actions have consequences that are determined by the people's fait...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr

First and Second Maccabees - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 12

I lager

Often neglected, the books of First and Second Maccabees are important for Christians, as in them is told how the Jewish people established the pol...

169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

First and Second Samuel - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 8

I lager

Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and relevance of the Old Testament to t...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr

First and Second Thessalonians (Sacra Pagina 11)


The first document is seen as representing Paul's earliest epistolary efforts and as providing two successive moments in his long relationship as a...

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

First and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 9


First and Second Timothy and Titus are designated Pastoral Letters because they deal with leadership and organizational issues of the early Christi...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr

First Thessalonians, Philippians, Second Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 8


Vincent M. Smiles provides a fresh look at the early Church and the faith with which they approached their dynamic, diverse community. With a brief...

169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr

Four Times Peter


This very clearly written book brings forward important new perspectives regarding the role of Peter in each Gospel. Four Times Peter will be a si...

184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

From the Beginning to Baptism: Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire


In From the Beginning to Baptism, Linda Gibler takes readers on a journey from the depths of space and the beginning of time through sacred Scriptu...

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Galatians and Romans - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 6


In his thorough, yet concise commentary on Galatians and Romans, Robert Karris, O.F.M. encourages his readers to take a head on approach to reading...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Genesis - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 2


Given the growing interest in family genealogies, in this commentary Joan Cook leads us to appreciate and delight in our ancient and awesome spirit...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr

God and the Gift: An Ecumenical Theology of Giving


God and the Gift is the first systematic account of the theology of giving, receiving, and the gift. It employs material from the contemporary deb...

183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr

Gospel According to John and the Johannine Letters - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 4


Thought-provoking and understandable, Scott M. Lewis, SJ, breaks the Gospel of John down into manageable sections with commentary vital to new and ...

119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Gospel According to Luke - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 3


Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and relevance of the New Testament to t...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

Gospel According to Mark - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 2


The absence of stories of Jesus' birth and infancy, a minimum of Jesus' parables and a resurrection scene without sight or sound of the risen Jesus...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

Gospel According to Matthew - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 1


The Gospel of Matthew carries important lessons on the formation of community and of Jesus as authoritative Teacher--lessons that helped the early ...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr

Gospel of Matthew; Sacra Pagina 1


The goal of Sacra Pagina is to provide sound, critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning. This series is therefore cat...

247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr

Hebrews (Sacra Pagina)


[Språk: Engelska] Inbunden

338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Isaiah - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 13

I lager

Although the circumstances under which this book took its present form remain in scholarly dispute, Leslie Hoppe highlights its literary and theolo...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr

James (Sacra Pagina vol. 14)


In his commentary on the letter of James, Hartin offers a unique approach toward understanding a much-neglected writing. Refusing to read the lett...

321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

James, First Peter, Jude, Second Peter James, First Peter, Jude, Second Peter - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament 10


These four of the seven "catholic letters" are addressed not to any specific church, but to the church in general. Giving valuable insights into ea...

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr



What does it mean to be deeply in love with God and, at the same time, with a person, a group, or a nation that is at odds with God? Such is the di...

184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
184 kr - 184 kr
184 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr

Jeremiah, Baruch - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 14

I lager

Comprehensive and understandable, these books bring the relevance of the Old Testament to Bible study participants, teachers, students, preachers, ...

169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr

Jesus and Paul: Parallel Lives


Belying the assumption that there is nothing more to discover about the similarities between Jesus and the apostle Paul, Jerome Murphy-O'Connor giv...

160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

Job - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 19


The book of Job is a vivid testimony to pain, a plea for justice, and a wrenching theological debate about suffering and its causes. Central to thi...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Joel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 17

I lager

These postexilic prophets affirm the many traditions of the people of Judah and Israel, who are still reeling from exile, offering them hope and di...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr

Jonah, Tobit, Judith - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 25


These three colorful books offer gripping stories of how God shows his mercy and accomplishes his will through human actions. Jonah is a reluctant ...

149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr

Jonah’s Journey


The book of Jonah has been richly commented upon by centuries of Christians and Jews. Writers of prose and poetry have loved it as well as those i...

237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Joshua, Judges - New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament 7

I lager

The books of Joshua and Judges provide religious perspective on Israel's successes and failures from the time that Joshua begins to lead the Israel...

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr