
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr

The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy


Johnson, Allan

398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr

The Gnostic Religion


Jonas, Hans

429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
429 kr - 429 kr
429 kr
476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr
476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr

The God of Israel and Christian Theology


Soulen, Kendall

476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr
476 kr - 476 kr
476 kr
242 kr - 242 kr
242 kr
242 kr - 242 kr
242 kr

The Godless Gospel


Baggini, Julian

242 kr - 242 kr
242 kr
242 kr - 242 kr
242 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr

The Good Liar


Searle, Nicholas

109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
506 kr - 506 kr
506 kr
506 kr - 506 kr
506 kr

The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire


Luttwak, Edward N

506 kr - 506 kr
506 kr
506 kr - 506 kr
506 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr

The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the End Times: Theology After You’ve Been Left Behind


[Språk: Engelska] Häftad

119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
515 kr - 515 kr
515 kr
515 kr - 515 kr
515 kr

The Idea of Justice


Sen, Amartya

515 kr - 515 kr
515 kr
515 kr - 515 kr
515 kr
193 kr - 193 kr
193 kr
193 kr - 193 kr
193 kr

The J-Word


Sanger, Andrew

193 kr - 193 kr
193 kr
193 kr - 193 kr
193 kr
407 kr - 407 kr
407 kr
407 kr - 407 kr
407 kr

The Jewish Life Cycle: Rites of Passage from Biblical to Modern Times


Marcus, Ivan G

407 kr - 407 kr
407 kr
407 kr - 407 kr
407 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr

The Jewish Odyssey of George Eliot


Himmelfarb, Getrude

338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr

The Last Journey Reflections for the Time of Grieving


Recording of songs to offer comfort in bereavement, accompanied by a book on the subject. The need to express grief, to sing our sorrow, is as old ...

268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
304 kr - 304 kr
304 kr
304 kr - 304 kr
304 kr

The Light Keeper


Her husband Jack is desperate to find her before it is too late. But Sarah does not want to be found. She's run away to be alone, to face a moment ...

304 kr - 304 kr
304 kr
304 kr - 304 kr
304 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr

The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of the Legendary Catholic Social Activist


Day, Dorothy

175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
175 kr - 175 kr
175 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr

The Lost Books of the Bible

Slut i lager

Hone, William

119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
119 kr - 119 kr
119 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

The Lost Message of Paul


This book describes the history of thinkers whom came to believe that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State did not...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr

The Lost Sayings of Jesus

Slut i lager

Smith, Andrew Philip

200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr

The Messiah, HWV 56 (2CD)

Slut i lager

It was only natural that Jordi Savall record Händel’s Messiah. His ‘Watermusic’ is already considered a benchmark and he has also signed countless ...

299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

The Mighty and the Almighty: How Political Leaders Do God

Slut i lager

[Språk: Engelska]

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
949 kr - 949 kr
949 kr
949 kr - 949 kr
949 kr

The More Torah, the More Life


Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, Daniel

949 kr - 949 kr
949 kr
949 kr - 949 kr
949 kr
358 kr - 358 kr
358 kr
358 kr - 358 kr
358 kr

The Naked Hermit A Journey to the Heart of Celtic Britain


Book adaptation of the author's research on Britain's Holiest Places, which was made into a six-part TV series broadcast on BBC 4 in 2013. Keeping ...

358 kr - 358 kr
358 kr
358 kr - 358 kr
358 kr
685 kr - 685 kr
685 kr
685 kr - 685 kr
685 kr

The New Testament on Sexuality


Loader, William

685 kr - 685 kr
685 kr
685 kr - 685 kr
685 kr
88 kr - 88 kr
88 kr
88 kr - 88 kr
88 kr

The One Hour Bible From Adam to Apocalypse in sixty minutes


The Bible condensed into an hour's reading, keeping its original words. Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit, Jacob and the stairway to heaven, Jos...

88 kr - 88 kr
88 kr
88 kr - 88 kr
88 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

The Outside World


Mirvis, Tova

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr

The Panchatantra


Parasuraman, Sunita

232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr

The Passover Anthology


Goodman, Philip (red.)

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

The Philosophy of Religion


Clack, Beverly & Brian

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
538 kr - 538 kr
538 kr
538 kr - 538 kr
538 kr

The Power of Pictures in Christian Thought The Use and Abuse of Images in the Bible and Theology


A biblical, historical and theological investigation into the tendency of literary images to either enlighten or mislead, and how we can learn to d...

538 kr - 538 kr
538 kr
538 kr - 538 kr
538 kr
142 kr - 142 kr
142 kr
142 kr - 142 kr
142 kr

The Prayer Experiment Notebook


A new addition to this popular series, aimed at children aged 8-12 How do you help an 8-12-year-old to get to grips with prayer for themselves? Wel...

142 kr - 142 kr
142 kr
142 kr - 142 kr
142 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

The Prayers of Jane Austen

I lager

You know Jane Austen as the beloved author of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and other witty, insightful novels of the early nineteenth century. Now co...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr

The Quest for the Historical Israel: Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel


Finkelstein, Israel (Author), Mazar, Amihai (Author), Schmidt, Brian (Editor)

347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
1 016 kr - 1 016 kr
1 016 kr
1 016 kr - 1 016 kr
1 016 kr

The Qurʾān in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations Into the Qurʾānic Milieu

Slut i lager

Neuwirth, Angelika (Editor) Sinai, Nicolai (Editor) Marx, Michael (Editor)

1 016 kr - 1 016 kr
1 016 kr
1 016 kr - 1 016 kr
1 016 kr
206 kr - 206 kr
206 kr
206 kr - 206 kr
206 kr

The Rabbi's Daughter: A Memoir


Mann, Reva (Author)

206 kr - 206 kr
206 kr
206 kr - 206 kr
206 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr

The Reformation in England A Very Brief History


This brief historical introduction to the English Reformation explores the social, political and religious factors that formed the original context...

232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
232 kr - 232 kr
232 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

The Resilient Disciple A Lenten Journey from Adversity to Maturity


An exploration of how to respond to adversity. The art of kintsugi `repairing with gold' not only restores cracked objects but makes them even more...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

The Restless Wave


family drama. When Nell comes across an old envelope in a desk drawer, the discovery sets her on a path to uncover a secret dating back to the Seco...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
718 kr - 718 kr
718 kr
718 kr - 718 kr
718 kr

The Resurrection of the Son of God


his work covers ancient beliefs about life after death from Homer's Hades to ancient Jewish beliefs, from the Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls and bey...

718 kr - 718 kr
718 kr
718 kr - 718 kr
718 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr

The Sabbath Anthology


Millgram, Abraham E. (red.)

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr

The Sacred Art of Joking


Insight into how comedy works and reveals why it's so easy to get wrong (especially in the realm of religion). Every few weeks a politician, pundit...

160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr

The Secret of the Rosary


2018 Reprint of 1954 Edition. In this book St. Louis De Monfort explains the rosary and its power in short sections called Roses, each being about ...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

The Shack


Young, Paul

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
1 076 kr - 1 076 kr
1 076 kr
1 076 kr - 1 076 kr
1 076 kr

The Study of Ministry A Comprehensive Survey of Theory and Best Practice


A comprehensive resource of core topics in Ministry The Study of Ministry is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of ministry that atte...

1 076 kr - 1 076 kr
1 076 kr
1 076 kr - 1 076 kr
1 076 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr

The Unknown Sayings of Jesus

Slut i lager

Meyer, Marvin

155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
155 kr - 155 kr
155 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr

The Way of Ignatius A prayer journey through Lent


introduction to prayer and the spiritual life in the tradition of Ignatius Loyola. This is a popular introduction, aimed at general readers, to pra...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr


I lager

169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
169 kr - 169 kr
169 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils


In this classic Swedish folk tale, Nils is shrunk to a tiny size by a dwarf, and carried across Sweden by a flock of wild geese to their summer hom...

259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

The Wound of Love


This volume provides background information on the Carthusian Order, including letters from St. Bruno, its founder, and a reflection on Bruno's con...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr