Christian Community in History: Comparative Ecclesiology, Volume 2

339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
SKU 978-1-62356-126-0
"Ecclesiology from below," as it operates in this work, is directed to history; it moves through the actual church of history to ecclesiology or to an understanding of the church both as it is and as it should be. In the first volume that passage was fairly explicit because comprehensive ecclesiologies in our sense did not exist. In this volume ecclesiology itself becomes much more directly the subject matter of the book, but without losing sight of concrete history and the degree to which these ecclesiologies are historically conditioned. Put somewhat differently, the main goal of this "comparative ecclesiology" is not simply to lay down one after another different ecclesiologies that emerged over the last five hundred years, although that describes the book with empirical accuracy. Its larger intent is to show the richness, vitality, and creativity of the whole church as it moves through history, adjusting to new times, places, and cultures. Part I: The Church in the 16th Century 1. Luther's Ecclesiology 2. Calvin's Ecclesiology 3. The Church of England 4. Anabaptist, Baptist, and Roman Ecclesiology Part II: The Church in the Modern Period 5. Modern Ecclesiology 6. 20th Century Ecclesiology: The World Council of Churches, Vatican II, and Liberation Ecclesiology 7. 20th Century Ecclesiology: Orthodox and Pentecostal Ecclesiologies and BEM Conclusion: Ecclesiology in the 21st Century Biblliography Index

Titel: Christian Community in History: Comparative Ecclesiology, Volume 2
Förlag: Bloomsbury