Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church, 2nd edition

297 kr - 297 kr
297 kr
297 kr - 297 kr
297 kr
SKU 978-0-281-05509-8
»Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church has become a classic text book that has established itself as the standard introduction to the subject for student and general reader alike. This new edition includes minor corrections and clarifications: the Further Reading section has been revised and the discussion of a number of topics has been brought up to date. House churches now appear in descriptions of early church organization and Athanasius has an extra paragraph to himself. There are refinements in the material on Gnostics, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Constantine, the Creed of Constantinople and the 'Monophysites'.» In keeping with the previous edition, this revised text is carefully organized with cross-references to A New Eusebius and Creeds, Councils and Controversies. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad

Titel: Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church, 2nd edition
Förlag: Spck