Anteckningsbok - Hilma af Klint, No. 3

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
SKU 978-91-89069-22-0
Hilma af Klint (1862 1944) was a pioneer of art that made a turn away from visible to spiritual reality. Already in 1906, she had made abstract paintings. Hilma af Klint perceived a spiritual dimension and envisioned contexts beyond the perceptions of the ordinary senses. When painting, she alleged that she was in contact with beings of higher levels of consciousness that spoke and conveyed messages through her. Like her, later, modernist contemporaries she was influenced by the spiritual movements spiritualism, theosophy and later anthroposophy. Her mission was to understand and communicate the various dimensions of human existence.

Titel: Anteckningsbok - Hilma af Klint, No. 3
Förlag: Arkendev