Trauma and Grace, 2nd Edition: Theology in a Ruptured World
Westminster John KnoxJones, Serene
Of Hospitality ( Cultural Memory in the Present )
StanfordDerrida, Jacques (Author), Dufourmantelle, Anne (Author)
Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction
OxfordZimmermann, Jens
Fina och fula känslor? : historiska essäer
ArkendevKonstens betydelse : om konstarterna och litteraturen i skola och samhälle
CarlssonHjort, Madeleine
Existentiella frågor : inom vård och omsorg
StudentlitteraturFörundran : de 30 nycklarna till djupare stressläkning, återhämtning och att lära sig njuta mer
ArkendevMer lik Gud - Teologi i antropocen
MarcusMorality & Beyond
Westminster John KnoxTillich, Paul
Människans villkor
DaidalosArendt, Hannah
Kommunikation och konflikthantering - - en introduktion
StudentlitteraturMaltén, Arne
Politicization of Religion, the Power of State, Nation, and Faith: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and Its Successor States
PalgraveOgnjenovic, G (Editor), Jozelic, J (Editor)
Science and Theology
Augsburg FortressPolkinghorne, John C
Pastoral Care in Hospitals: Second Edition
MorehouseKirkwood, Neville A
Secularization and Cultural Criticism: Religion, Nation, and Modernity
University Of ChigacoPecora, Vincent P
Public Religions in the Modern World
University Of ChigacoCasanova, José
Rethinking Secularism
OxfordCalhoun, Craig (Editor), Juergensmeyer, Mark (Editor), Vanantwerpen, Jonathan (Editor)
The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion
AnchorPojken, mullvaden, räven och hästen
ForumKnutby inifrån : så förvandlades pingstförsamlingen till en sekt
EkerlidsTro, vetande, mystik : svensk religionsfilosofi 1900-1999 : en antologi
ArkendevJohan Modée (red.)
Philosophy and the Study of Religions: A Manifesto
Wiley-BlackwellSchilbrack, Kevin
End of Theology and the Task of Thinking about God
ScmPattison, George
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
ArkendevDavid Hume
Death Anxiety and Religious Belief: An Existential Psychology of Religion
ArkendevJong, Jonathan (Author), Halberstadt, Jamin (Author)
Why Being Yourself Is a Bad Idea
SpckThe Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge
AnchorScience, Evolution, and Religion: A Debate about Atheism and Theism
OxfordPeterson, Michael (Author), Ruse, Michael (Author)
The Existence of God: A Philosophical Introduction
Routledge, LtdNagasawa, Yujin
The God Delusion
Random House IncDawkins, Richard
Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism
ArkendevDombrowski, Daniel A
Mysticism After Modernity
Wiley-BlackwellCupitt, Don
Re-Visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion: Reason, Love and Epistemic Locatedness
Routledge, LtdAnderson, Pamela Sue
Knowledge and Christian Belief
ArkendevPlantinga, Alvin
Is There a God?
OxfordSwinburne, Richard
Predicament of Belief: Science, Philosophy, Faith
OxfordClayton, Philip (Author), Knapp, Steven (Author)
Religion & Human Nature
OxfordWard, Keith
Who Are We?: Theories of Human Nature
OxfordPojman, Louis P
Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy
OxfordLaborde, Cécile
The Idea of Justice
ArkendevSen, Amartya