New Waves in Philosophy of Religion
335 kr
335 kr
335 kr
335 kr
335 kr
335 kr
SKU 978-0-230-22385-1
Over the last few decades, philosophy of religion has regained its position as one of the central areas of analytic philosophy and attracted much attention from scholars in numerous fields. New Waves in Philosophy of Religion presents cutting-edge research by some of the best philosophers of religion of the new generation. They discuss perennial problems and emerging issues from refreshingly new points of view and develop original ideas. It addresses such topics as: divine attributes, the origin of the universe, evolution and design, implications and puzzles of religious doctrines, morality and God, and the meaning of life.
Cutting-edge research is presented by some of the best philosophers of religion of the new generation, who address such topics as divine attributes, the origin of the universe, evolution and design, implications and puzzles of religious doctrines, morality and God, and the meaning of life.
List of Contributors
Introduction; Y.Nagasawa and E.J.Wielenberg
A New Definition of ‘Omnipotence' in Terms of Sets; D.J.Hill
Can God Choose a World at Random?; K.J.Kraay
Why is there Anything at All?; T.J.Mawson
Programs, Bugs, DNA and a Design Argument; A.R.Pruss
The ‘Why Design?' Question; N.A.Manson
Divine Command Theory and the Semantics of Quantified Modal Logic; D.Efird
Divine Desire Theory and Obligation; C.B.Miller
The Puzzle of Prayers of Thanksgiving and Praise; D.Howard-Snyder
A Participatory Model of the Atonement; T.Bayne and G.Restall
Basic Human Worth: Religious and Secular Perspectives; C.J.Eberle
Imperfection as Sufficient for a Meaningful Life: How Much is Enough?; T.Metz
YUJIN NAGASAWA is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is the author of God and Phenomenal Consciousness: A Novel Approach to Knowledge Arguments (2008). He received the Templeton Award for Theological Promise in 2008.
ERIK WIELENBERG is Associate Professor of Philosophy at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, USA. He is the author of Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe (2005) and God and the Reach of Reason (2007). [Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: New Waves in Philosophy of Religion
Förlag: Palgrave