The Word Explained: A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year; Year B

359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr
359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr
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SKU 978-0-8091-4811-0
The road-tested homilies in this book provide relevant, theologically sound material for priests, deacons, and seminarians interested in reaching and holding the attention of contemporary Catholic congregations. Useful and inspirational, this book belongs in every parish rectory and library. Parishioners will find it a welcome resource for personal reflection and spiritual reading. It is also appropriate for post-Easter reading. Highlights: The book demonstrates the liturgical principle that a homily should be an extension of the proclamation. It makes the ancient texts relevant for modern times.

Titel: The Word Explained: A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year; Year B
Förlag: Paulist