Human Face of Church, The. A Social Phychology and Pastoral Theology for Pioneer and Traditional Ministry
296 kr
296 kr
296 kr
296 kr
296 kr
296 kr
SKU 978-1-85311-812-8
Until now, Fresh Expressions has been about starting and sustaining mission initiatives among people with little or no church contact. As these projects mature, pastoral problem easily arise – how do you integrate the old with the new? How do you get an established congregation to change it views and practices? How do you cope with conflict? What if newcomers challenge set patterns of church behaviour rather than conform with them?
This highly practical text and workbook draws on the behavioural theory and organisational studies to train and equip local church leaders and congregations not only to manage change but to grow through of it. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: Human Face of Church, The. A Social Phychology and Pastoral Theology for Pioneer and Traditional Ministry
Förlag: Canterbury Norwich