
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr

Twentieth-Century Catholic Theologians


This book reports on the lives and works of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. This is a new book from one of the...

282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr

Christian Theology Reader, 3rd edition


The most comprehensive book of its kind, the new edition of the Christian Theology Reader collects more than 360 readings that illuminate the key d...

339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
356 kr - 356 kr
356 kr
356 kr - 356 kr
356 kr

Theology and Families - Challenges in Contemporary Theology


This timely book, by one of the world's leading theologians in this field, makes a positive theological contribution to present intellectual and pr...

356 kr - 356 kr
356 kr
356 kr - 356 kr
356 kr
2 432 kr - 2 432 kr
2 432 kr
2 432 kr - 2 432 kr
2 432 kr

Theologische Realencyklopädie (TRE) Gesamtregister, Band I Bibelstellen, Orte, Sachen


After the completion of the Theologische Realenzyklopadie in 2004, a newly compiled index will give access to the whole work. Compared with the ind...

2 432 kr - 2 432 kr
2 432 kr
2 432 kr - 2 432 kr
2 432 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr

C.S. Lewis, a Guide to His Theology


»The Chronicles of Narnia» or »The Perelandra Chronicles» may be a reader's first encounter with the writings of C. S. Lewis, but what is the story...

229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Tro och verklighet

Artos & Norma

Vilken verklighet är det som den kristna tron hänvisar till och har sin förankring i? Naturligtvis finns det mer än ett svar på denna fundamentala...

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
898 kr - 898 kr
898 kr
898 kr - 898 kr
898 kr

Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology


• In this major reference work, a team of the world's leading theologians provides a powerful overview of modern theology • Covers theology's relat...

898 kr - 898 kr
898 kr
898 kr - 898 kr
898 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr

Cambridge Companion to Karl Rahner

Cambridge U P

Karl Rahner (1904-1984) was one of the most significant theological voices of the twentieth century. Part of his enduring appeal lies in his abilit...

267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

State of the University


The book is an attempt to reclaim the knowledge of God as just that - knowledge. It is no secret that theology is no longer considered a necessary ...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr

Re-thinking Christianity

Oneworld Publications

The Christian faith is often charged with being outmoded and anachronistic. Many critics have claimed that it is a monolithic belief system rooted ...

267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
267 kr - 267 kr
267 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr

Christian Wisdom

Cambridge U P

What is Christian wisdom for living in the twenty-first century? Where is it to be found? How can it be learnt? In the midst of diverse religions a...

338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
338 kr - 338 kr
338 kr
144 kr - 144 kr
144 kr
144 kr - 144 kr
144 kr

Jesus Unplugged

Ingram International

Too much emphasis in the church today is on being respectable, nice, and presentable. Jesus was not. Relying on the original passages of scripture...

144 kr - 144 kr
144 kr
144 kr - 144 kr
144 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

End of Work


Theology and Work explores the 'problem of labor' from a theological perspective. Addressing both theologians concerned with how Christianity migh...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

Postkristen teologi: Experiment och tydningsförsök

Glänta Produktion

Vad innebär det att samhället befinner sig i ett postkristet tillstånd? Handlar det om kristendomens marginalisering i en sekulär offentlighet? Syf...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
531 kr
531 kr - 531 kr
531 kr

Systematisk teologi


Olika religioners närvaro i det svenska samhället ökar, samtidigt växer också behovet av en konstruktiv och kritisk reflektion kring religiösa idée...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
531 kr
531 kr - 531 kr
531 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr

Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body


Queer Theology makes an important contribution to public debate about Christianity and sex. * A remarkable collection of specially commissioned es...

347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
347 kr - 347 kr
347 kr
223 kr - 223 kr
223 kr
223 kr - 223 kr
223 kr

Theology: the Basics


Written by one of the world's leading theologians, »Theology: The Basics» is designed for students taking a first short course in Christian theolog...

223 kr - 223 kr
223 kr
223 kr - 223 kr
223 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr

Divine Teaching: An Introduction to Christian Theology


»Divine Teaching: An Introduction to Christian Theology» is an imaginative and lively analysis of the Christian way of thinking, offering vivid and...

282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
282 kr - 282 kr
282 kr
330 kr - 330 kr
330 kr
330 kr - 330 kr
330 kr

Christian Doctrine

Scm Canterbury Ltd

The SCM Core Text: Christian Doctrine offers an up-to-date, accessible introduction to one of the core subjects of theology. Written for second an...

330 kr - 330 kr
330 kr
330 kr - 330 kr
330 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr

Teilhard de Chardin ’The Divien Milieu’ Explained - a Spirituality for the 21st Century


A series of ground-breaking spiritual methods that integrate science and faith according to the evolutionary spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin's ...

190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
190 kr - 190 kr
190 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr

Beauty of the Cross


From the earliest period of its existence, Christianity has been recognized as the »religion of the cross.» Some of the great monuments of Western ...

216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
216 kr - 216 kr
216 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr

Church, Ecumenism, + Politics


This work features the most discussed topics of the life of the Church, treated with unique frankness and depth by the Church's spiritual and theol...

249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
249 kr - 249 kr
249 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr

Way of Life, The: John Paul II and the Challenge of Liberal Modernity

Baylor University

The passing of John Paul II provoked questions about the Pope, particularly in his relation to modernity. Was he opposed to the tenets of modernit...

298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
298 kr - 298 kr
298 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Priority of Christ: Toward a Postliberal Catholicism


Product Description For a long time, Christians have tried to bridge the divide between Christianity and secular liberalism with philosophizing and...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr

Partakers od the Divine Nature

Baker Book House

Product Description This critical volume focuses on the concept of deification in Christian intellectual history. It draws together Eastern Orthodo...

171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr

Aspects of the Atonement: Cross and Ressurection in the Reconciling of God and Humanity


Product Description The Christian understanding of the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ and its relationship to the salvation of sinful humanit...

131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
154 kr - 154 kr
154 kr
154 kr - 154 kr
154 kr

Community Called Atonement


Over the centuries the church developed a number of metaphors, such as penal substitution or the ransom theory, to speak about Christ's death on th...

154 kr - 154 kr
154 kr
154 kr - 154 kr
154 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr

Försoningens mellanrum: En analys av Daphne Hampsons och Rita Nakashima Brocks teologiska tolkningar

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

Uppsalateologen Sofia Camnerin har analyserat förutsättningarna för att människor ska kunna försonas med andra människor, sin livssituation och med...

265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
265 kr - 265 kr
265 kr
270 kr - 270 kr
270 kr
270 kr - 270 kr
270 kr

New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming


* A leading theologian's analysis of the root problems behind climate change * Proposes a relational, eco-friendly notion of what it is to be human...

270 kr - 270 kr
270 kr
270 kr - 270 kr
270 kr
215 kr - 215 kr
215 kr
215 kr - 215 kr
215 kr

Trinity: A Guide for the Perplexed

T & T Clark

The Trinity is a core area of Christian belief. This »Guide of the Perplexed» offers a complete overview of the theological history of the concept ...

215 kr - 215 kr
215 kr
215 kr - 215 kr
215 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr

Lectures in Christian Dogmatics

T & T Clark

John Zizioulas presents Christian doctrine as a comprehensive account of the freedom that results from relationship with God. In this series of le...

321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Renewing the Eucharist Volume 1: Journey

Canterbury Norwich

This is the first title in a series of five volumes by outstanding authors in the field that will provide a major new study of Eucharistic spiritua...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr

Resurrection: The Origin and Future of a Biblical Doctrine

T & T Clark

Resurrection is the central feature of the New Testament gospels and lies at the center of many of Paul's letters as well. In addition, the doctrin...

299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
299 kr - 299 kr
299 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr

Holy Spirit, The: Classic and Contemporary Readings


Beginning with the Church Fathers and moving right through to the present day, The Holy Spirit offers a theologically informed, international colle...

321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
321 kr - 321 kr
321 kr
449 kr - 449 kr
449 kr
449 kr - 449 kr
449 kr

Religious Film, The: Christianity and the Hagiopic


From The Gospel According to Matthew to Jesus Christ Superstar, from The Passion of Joan of Arc to The Last Temptation of Christ and Jesus of Montr...

449 kr - 449 kr
449 kr
449 kr - 449 kr
449 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr

Word: Renewing the Eucharist - Volume 2

Canterbury Norwich

This second title by outstanding authors in the field, will provide a major new study of Eucharistic spirituality and liturgical formation. With m...

149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
149 kr - 149 kr
149 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Moderna franska teologer: En introduktion

Artos & Norma

I Moderna franska teologer får vi en helhetsbild av en teologisk »epok« av stor betydelse för 1900-talets teologiska tänkande. Den redogör för te...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr

Sanningens regel - Regula Veritas: Trosregeln och den kristna traditionens struktur

Artos & Norma

Sanningens regel är den term, som kyrkofadern Irenaeus använder för att ange vad han anser vara Bibelns centrala innehåll. Som synonym använder ha...

179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
179 kr - 179 kr
179 kr
0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr

Kärlekens teologi


Kärlekens teologi reflekterar Werner Jeanrond över kärlekens skiftande horisont och nutida utmaningar. Om hur kärlekens dynamik öppnar vägar till n...

0 kr - 0 kr
0 kr
259 kr
259 kr - 259 kr
259 kr
385 kr - 385 kr
385 kr
385 kr - 385 kr
385 kr

Benedikt XVI - Trons + tankens forsvarer (innehåller bl.a. artikel av Gösta Hallonsten)


På en klar og lettfattelig måte formidles her sentrale perspektiver på pave Benedikt XVI (2005–2013) / Joseph Ratzingers omfattende teologiske verk...

385 kr - 385 kr
385 kr
385 kr - 385 kr
385 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

Creation - A Biblical Vision for the Environment

T & T Clark

What should a theology of creation look like? Barker, a former president of the Society for Old Testament Study, splendidly homes in on major symb...

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
399 kr - 399 kr
399 kr
399 kr - 399 kr
399 kr

Good + Evil serpent: How a universal symbol became christianized

Yale U P

In a perplexing passage from the Gospel of John, Jesus is likened to the most reviled creature in Christian symbology: the snake. Attempting to un...

399 kr - 399 kr
399 kr
399 kr - 399 kr
399 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

From the Beginning to Baptism: Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire


In From the Beginning to Baptism, Linda Gibler takes readers on a journey from the depths of space and the beginning of time through sacred Scriptu...

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr

Engaging Scripture: a model for theological interpretation

Wipf And Stock Publishers

Engaging Scripture proposes that Christians must read Scripture theologically, redressing the recent domination of professional scholarship in this...

279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr

Compendium doctrinae coelestis - Utgivet med översättning, inledning och kommentarer av Bengt Hägglund + Cajsa Sjöberg

Skara Stiftshistoriska Sällskap

Matthias Hafenreffer (1561-1619) var från 1592 professor i Thübingen både i teologiska ämnen och i matematik. Han hörde till den württembergska tr...

200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
200 kr - 200 kr
200 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr

God of the Living. A Biblical Theology

Baylor University

Provides a comprehensive theology of the God of the Christian Bible. This book joins together the very best of Old and New Testament scholarship t...

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
1 598 kr - 1 598 kr
1 598 kr
1 598 kr - 1 598 kr
1 598 kr

God of Salvation: Soteriology in Theological Perspective


The theology of salvation stands at the heart of the Christian faith. Very often the structure of Christian salvation is seen in terms of a single...

1 598 kr - 1 598 kr
1 598 kr
1 598 kr - 1 598 kr
1 598 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr

Trinity and Theodicy: The Trinitarian Theology of von Balthasar and the Problem of Evil


Why does God permit the great suffering and evil that we see in our world? This book explores this question in the context of the mystery of the T...

649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr
649 kr - 649 kr
649 kr