Många kunder som redan betalat via Klarna får felaktiga påminnelser från Fortnox. Betala inte. Det beror på ett tekniskt fel hos vår tjänsteleverantör. Mejla gärna info@arken.se och skriv "FELFAKTURA + fakturanummer" som rubrik/ärende. Tack. Vi beklagar den olustiga situationen.
Många kunder som redan betalat via Klarna får felaktiga påminnelser från Fortnox. Betala inte. Det beror på ett tekniskt fel hos vår tjänsteleverantör. Mejla gärna info@arken.se och skriv "FELFAKTURA + fakturanummer" som rubrik/ärende. Tack. Vi beklagar den olustiga situationen.
Bibel, engelska

NKJV Gift and Award Bible

0 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
Beställningsvara Leveranstid ca 2-6 veckor
SKU 978-0-718-07479-1
Commemorate a special accomplishment or event with a gift to be treasured for years to come. The popular and reliable New King James Version with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson's custom NKJV font is now the perfect gift. The NKJV Gift and Award Bible is a great way to recognize someone for a job well done. This special-occasion Bible is affordably priced for bulk purchases, so it's a great choice to have on hand for graduations, baptisms, and birthdays, or as gifts for new church attendees. This Bible includes a presentation page, the words of Christ in red, a dictionary-concordance, charts, and full-color maps. Features Include: - Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note - Words of Christ in red quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus - Dictionary and Concordance for looking up a word's definition and occurrences throughout the Bible - 30 days with Jesus reading plan provides an easy guide to begin reading the Bible by using brief passages from Jesus' life - Prayers of the Bible of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about - Prophecies of the Messiah understand how the old and new testaments connect with a clear display of how Christ fulfilled numerous prophecies - Miracles and parables of Jesus call out important events during Jesus' earthly ministry - Full color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context - 7.5-point print size

Titel: NKJV Gift and Award Bible
Förlag: Thomas Nelson