Bibeln - förstå & använda

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr

Revelation - A Commentary on the Greek Text


Beale, Greg

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
527 kr - 527 kr
527 kr
527 kr - 527 kr
527 kr

The Epistle to the Philippians- A Commentary on the Greek Text


O'Brien, Peter T

527 kr - 527 kr
527 kr
527 kr - 527 kr
527 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr

Pastoral Epistles: Vol 46


Mounce, William D. & Martin, Ralph P. , V & Lynn A.

396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr

The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon


In this volume in the celebrated New International Greek Testament Commentary series, James D. G. Dunn, author of numerous well-received works on t...

396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
151 kr - 151 kr
151 kr
151 kr - 151 kr
151 kr

Charts on the Book of Revelation


Charts on the Book of Revelation is the first of its kind; a charts book that does not seek to support specific interpretations of end-times prophe...

151 kr - 151 kr
151 kr
151 kr - 151 kr
151 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr

Matthew - Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

John Knox

This commentary proceeds unit by unit (not verse by verse) to emphasize what each passage of Matthew means to the author of the Gospel and to the m...

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr


John Knox

In this volume, Gerard Sloyan utilizes the lectionary approach to offer new insights into understanding the book of John. In so doing, he puts the ...

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
416 kr - 416 kr
416 kr
416 kr - 416 kr
416 kr


Baker Book House

New Testament scholar David Turner offers a substantive yet highly accessible commentary on Matthew in this addition to the BECNT series. With exte...

416 kr - 416 kr
416 kr
416 kr - 416 kr
416 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr

1 Peter

Baker Book House

In this addition to the acclaimed BECNT series, Karen H. Jobes provides a fresh, insightful commentary on 1 Peter that will help students and pasto...

343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
457 kr - 457 kr
457 kr
457 kr - 457 kr
457 kr

Pastoral Epistles: Vol 46

Baker Book House

457 kr - 457 kr
457 kr
457 kr - 457 kr
457 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr

1 Corinthians

Baker Book House

Paul's first letter to the Corinthians is one of the most important epistles in the New Testament. David Garland's thoughtful new commentary draw...

435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr

Understanding Matthew: The Early Christian Worldview of the first Gospel

Baker Book House

Product Description Stephen Westerholm provides an engaging guide to the gospel of Matthew. His goal is that readers »begin to understand how Matth...

145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
539 kr - 539 kr
539 kr
539 kr - 539 kr
539 kr

Galatians Re-Imagined: Reading with the Eyes of the Vanquished


Brigitte Kahl brings to this insightful reading of Galatians a deep knowledge of the classical world and especially of Roman imperial ideology. Th...

539 kr - 539 kr
539 kr
539 kr - 539 kr
539 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr

Second Epistle to the Corinthians - New International Greek Testament Commentary


NIGTC commentary on 2 Corinthians. Believing that Scripture cannot be understood theologically unless it has first been understood grammatically, H...

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Letter to the Hebrews? - What Are They Saying About (WTASA)


»Arguably the greatest Christian sermon ever written, yet one of the more neglected and difficult writings in the New Testament, the Letter to the ...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr

Gospel of Matthew; Sacra Pagina 1


The goal of Sacra Pagina is to provide sound, critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning. This series is therefore cat...

247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
247 kr - 247 kr
247 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

Matthew - SCM Theological Commentary on the Bible

Scm Canterbury Ltd

This commentary, like each in the series, is designed to serve readers by demonstrating the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theo...

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr


Baker Book House

Product Description A commentary on Philippians, distinguished by a thorough interpretation of the text and in communicating to a variety of reader...

158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr

Revelation - Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Baker Book House

Product Description The Book of Revelation contains some of the most difficult passages in Scripture. Grant Osborne's commentary on Revelation aims...

435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

Nya testamentet

I lager

Professor Oscar Cullmann, f. 1902, är den nytestamentliga forskningens "grand old man". Efter en tids verksamhet i Strasbourg arbetade han som fors...

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr

Med hela ditt hjärta

I lager

98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
98 kr - 98 kr
98 kr
108 kr - 108 kr
108 kr
108 kr - 108 kr
108 kr

Evangeliernas förhistoria



108 kr - 108 kr
108 kr
108 kr - 108 kr
108 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

Kristi uppståndelse


Många teologer menar idag att den kristna tron bara kan byggas på det som Jesus enligt våra källor lärde ut i ord under sin stund på jorden. Det up...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

The Lost Message of Paul


This book describes the history of thinkers whom came to believe that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State did not...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
628 kr - 628 kr
628 kr
628 kr - 628 kr
628 kr

Jesus the Priest


A contribution to historical Jesus studies, presenting the case that Jesus saw himself as the priestly messiah who sought to prepare a people to sh...

628 kr - 628 kr
628 kr
628 kr - 628 kr
628 kr
49 kr - 49 kr
49 kr
49 kr - 49 kr
49 kr

Lukasevangelium - anteckningsutgåva


Särtryck av Lukasevangelium med breda marginaler för minnesanteckningar eller kreativa uttryck. Lukasevangeliet är på 48 sidor i A5-storlek. Bible...

49 kr - 49 kr
49 kr
49 kr - 49 kr
49 kr
359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr
359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr

What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About


Berding, Kenneth & Williams, Matt

359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr
359 kr - 359 kr
359 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr

Scriptual Theology of Eucharistic Blessings


Bubbers, Susan I.

279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Who Do People Say I Am?

Eerdmans Publ Co

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr

Resisting Empire


Whitlark, Jason A.

389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr

Paul: A Very Brief History


[Språk: Engelska] Häftad

109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
109 kr - 109 kr
109 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr

A Survey of the New Testament


Robert Gundry’s now classic survey of the New Testament has been a mainstay for college and graduate courses around the world, having been used by ...

343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
343 kr - 343 kr
343 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr

Four Portraits, One Jesus


To Christians worldwide, the man Jesus of Nazareth is the centerpiece of history, the object of faith, hope, and worship. Even those who do not fol...

309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
309 kr - 309 kr
309 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr

Christ child

Yale U P

Little is known about the early childhood of Jesus Christ. But in the decades after his death, stories began circulating about his origins. One col...

389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
389 kr - 389 kr
389 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr



Sifting through centuries of mythmaking, Reza Aslan sheds new light on one of history’s most influential and enigmatic figures by examining Jesus w...

129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
129 kr - 129 kr
129 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr

Empire and Apocalypse: Postcolonialism and the New Testament

Sheffield Academic

In Empire and Apocalypse Stephen Moore offers us the most complete introduction yet to the emergent field of postcolonial biblical criticism. It i...

294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr

Constantine’s Bible


Most college and seminary courses on the New Testament include discussions of the process that gave shape to the New Testament. Now, David Dungan...

131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
131 kr - 131 kr
131 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr

Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation


Johnson, Luke Timothy

435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
435 kr - 435 kr
435 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr

Jesus and the God of Israel


"God Crucified" and Other Essays on the New Testament's Christology of Divine Identity The basic thesis of this important book on New Testament Chr...

227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

The Three Gospels - New Testament History Introduced by the Synoptic Problem


This is a book with a double thrust. Dr Mosse presents an unremittingly logical assault upon the Synoptic Problem which develops into a general tre...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

The Saving Righteousness of God


Bird, Michael

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Zion Symbolism in Hebrews - Paternoster Biblical Monographs


Son, Kiwoong

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

Saint Paul as Spiritual Director


Copan's book is An Analysis of the Imitation of Paul with Implications and Applications to the Practice of Spiritual Direction. In recent years muc...

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr

Jesus as the Fulfilment of the Temple in the Gospel of John


Hoskins, Paul M

396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr

But God Raised Him from the Dead


In this book, the first full-scale study of the resurrection of Jesus in Luke-Acts, Anderson situates Luke's perspective on resurrection amongst Je...

396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr

Paul’s Understanding of the Church’s Mission


This book engages in a careful study of Pauls letters to determine if the apostle expected the communities to which he wrote to engage in missionar...

329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
329 kr - 329 kr
329 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

Between Horror and Hope


The Everyday Reading Bible is a great way to read the Bible like never before. The everyday language is ideal for athome devotions and further refl...

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr

Spirit and Kingdom in the Writings of Luke and Paul - Paternoster Biblical Monographs


Cho, Youngmo

263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr
263 kr - 263 kr
263 kr