Bibeln - förstå & använda

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr

First Epistle to the Corinthians (Revised) - New International Commentary on the New Testament - (2ND ed.)

Eerdmans Publ Co

This landmark commentary, originally published in 1987, has been lauded as the best study available of Paul's theologically rich first letter to th...

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr

2 Corinthians, Volume 40: Second Edition (Special) - Word Biblical Commentary _40 - (2ND ed.)


Pastors and students will appreciate this new edition with its up-to-date bibliography and discussion of pertinent issues. In this full revision ...

489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr

Commentary on John ( Ancient Christian Texts _2 )

Ivp (Usa)

David R. Maxwell provides readers with the first completely fresh English translation of the text since the nineteenth century. It rests on Pusey's...

659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
659 kr - 659 kr
659 kr
310 kr - 310 kr
310 kr
310 kr - 310 kr
310 kr

Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

Eerdmans Publ Co

Abridgment of an acclaimed scholarly commentary on the Greek text of Revelation G. K. Beale's monumental New International Greek Testament Commenta...

310 kr - 310 kr
310 kr
310 kr - 310 kr
310 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr

Philippians (Two Horizons New Testament Commentary)

Eerdmans Publ Co

In this fine new commentary on Paul's letter to the Philippians, Stephen Fowl notes that for the great premodern commentators of the Christian trad...

229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
229 kr - 229 kr
229 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr

The Gospels and Acts: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition


This commentary on the Gospels and Acts, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament, engages readers in the work of bib...

199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
199 kr - 199 kr
199 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Different Priest: The Epistle to the Hebrews


Albert Vanhoye begins with an overall scan of the text’s structure (which, he notes, takes a homiletic form more than that of a letter) and then pr...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr

Theology of the Book of Revelation


Richard Bauckham expounds the theology of the Book of Revelation: its understanding of God, Christ and the Spirit, the role of the Church in the wo...

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr

The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century


Scholars of the Gospel of Mark usually discuss the merits of patristic references to the Gospel’s origin and Mark’s identity as the “interpreter” o...

489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
489 kr - 489 kr
489 kr
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr

Paul within Judaism


In these chapters, a group of renowned international scholars seek to describe Paul and his work from “within Judaism,” rather than on the assumpti...

398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
398 kr - 398 kr
398 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr

Paul, Missionary of Jesus

Eerdmans Publ Co

Was Paul the -second founder- of Christianity, striking off in directions Jesus never envisaged and teaching lessons Christ never endorsed? In th...

139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
139 kr - 139 kr
139 kr
289 kr - 289 kr
289 kr
289 kr - 289 kr
289 kr

Introducing the New Testament


Wansbrough, Henry

289 kr - 289 kr
289 kr
289 kr - 289 kr
289 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr

Reading the Sermon on the Mount

Baker Book House

Talbert, Charles H.

158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr

And I Turned to See the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New Testament

Baker Book House

Humphrey, Edith M.

145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
145 kr - 145 kr
145 kr
246 kr - 246 kr
246 kr
246 kr - 246 kr
246 kr

The Jesus Legend - A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition

Baker Book House

Even mature Christians have trouble defending the person and divinity of Christ. "The Jesus Legend" builds a convincing interdisciplinary case for ...

246 kr - 246 kr
246 kr
246 kr - 246 kr
246 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr

Pastoral Ministry According to Paul

Baker Book House

What is the ultimate purpose of pastoral ministry? What emphases and priorities should take precedence? In the day-to-day emphasis on various pasto...

158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
158 kr - 158 kr
158 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr

A High View of Scripture?

Baker Book House

For most evangelicals, a key tenet of belief is a "high view of Scripture," often defined as adherence to a verbal plenary inspiration view, along ...

171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
171 kr - 171 kr
171 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr

Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Baker Book House

How are we to understand petitionary prayer? This is a key question for any thoughtful believer who desires to take both the Bible and experience s...

198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
198 kr - 198 kr
198 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

1 Peter: Reading Against the Grain


The New Testament writing known as First Peter was probably written at the end of the 1st century CE; it is addressed to 'resident aliens' who live...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
534 kr - 534 kr
534 kr
534 kr - 534 kr
534 kr

Jesus the Complete Guide


Written by an international and interdisciplinary team of biblical historians, theologians and other scholars, this is the most comprehensive refer...

534 kr - 534 kr
534 kr
534 kr - 534 kr
534 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

In Search of Paul: How Jesus’ Apostle Opposed Rome’s Empire with God’s Kingdom

Marston Book Services Ltd

A new vision of Paul's words and world Using new historical analysis and the latest archaeological discoveries, one of the world's eminent historic...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr

Mary of Magdala: What the Da Vinci Code Misses (revised ed.)


Thompson's landmark biography points out what she believes to be the many distortions and inaccuracies that have resulted in the false portrayal of...

227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
227 kr - 227 kr
227 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Life in Pictures


First published in English in 1987 by Fortress Press, this new edition includes new photographs, design and a new translation. The book now has mor...

237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
237 kr - 237 kr
237 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr

What Are They Saying About the Historical Jesus?


A concise, cogent, and even-handed analysis of current scholarly thinking about Jesus of Nazareth. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad

173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
173 kr - 173 kr
173 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr

Mary Magdalene Cover-Up

T & T Clark

Mary Magdalene has always been the subject of both popular and scholarly intrigue. Was she the wife of Jesus, his complete initiate, a Goddess or a...

268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
268 kr - 268 kr
268 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr

Paul: Beginners Guides

Oneworld Publications

The Apostle Paul has shaped the course of Christian ethics for centuries and is widely regarded as the most influential theologian in the Christian...

160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
160 kr - 160 kr
160 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr

Gospel According to Mary, The: A New Testament for Women


»If one of the gospels were written by a woman, what would it be like? What would it remember, celebrate, hand on? What would it say about women,...

183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
183 kr - 183 kr
183 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr

Lazarus, Mary + Martha


The story of Lazarus in John 11-12 typically has been understood by scholars to act as a prototype for what was to follow in the form of the resurr...

396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
396 kr - 396 kr
396 kr
224 kr - 224 kr
224 kr
224 kr - 224 kr
224 kr

Encountering the Book of Hebrews: An Exposition - Encountering Biblical Studies

Baker Book House

Product Description Although the Book of Hebrews »is not exactly what most of us would regard as a user-friendly book,» notes Donald Hagner, »Hebre...

224 kr - 224 kr
224 kr
224 kr - 224 kr
224 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr

Testimony of the Beloved Disciple

Baker Book House

Synopsis A leading New Testament scholar explores key issues in the Gospel of John. More Reviews and Recommendations Biography Richard Bauckham ...

245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
245 kr - 245 kr
245 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr

Understanding Paul and His Letters


Understanding Paul and His Letters is a seminal text in that it traces the development of the main lines of Paul's theology and faith through each ...

294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
294 kr - 294 kr
294 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

Gospel in a Pluralist Society


How does the gospel relate to a pluralist society? What is the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity and...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr

Irony in the Matthean Passion Narrative


Irony (as used here) is a rhetorical and literary device for revealing »what is hidden behind what is seen.» It thus offers the reader a superior ...

339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
339 kr - 339 kr
339 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr

Thinking and Seeing with Women in Revelation - Library of New Testament Studies


Lynn R. Huber argues that the visionary aspect of Revelation, with its use of metaphorical thinking and language, is the crux of the text's persuas...

279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
279 kr - 279 kr
279 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr

James and Paul: The Politics of Identity at the Turn of the Ages


Recent interest in the person and work of James of Jerusalem and in the community he led has sometimes put the apostle Paul in a negative light - a...

439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
439 kr - 439 kr
439 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr

Children in Early Christian Narratives


Sharon Betsworth examines the narratives, parables, and teachings of and about children in the gospels and the literature of Early Christianity. ...

498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr

James, Diaspora Rhetoric of a Friend of God

I lager

In this guide Margaret Aymer introduces the letter of James, countering arguments that it is of limited theological value and significance for earl...

219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
219 kr - 219 kr
219 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr

Guds nåd sådan den verkligen är


Av alla teman inom den kristna traditionen torde Guds nåd vara det mest omskrivna och besjungna. Men ställt i relation till krav och förväntningar,...

159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
159 kr - 159 kr
159 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr

The Mystery of Christ: Life In Death


This dynamic, challenging, and transforming vision of Christian theology, presented in a systematic manner, invites readers to approach the mystery...

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr

Jesus, Judaism, + Christian Anti-Judaism: Reading the New Testament After the Holocaust

Westminster John Knox

Current scholarship in the study of ancient Christianity is now available to nonspecialists through this collection of essays on anti-Judaism in th...

269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
269 kr - 269 kr
269 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr

Lost Scriptures -Books that did not make it into the New Testament


While most people think that the twenty-seven books of the New Testament are the only sacred writings of the early Christians, this is not at all t...

148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr

Junia the First Woman Apostle


The name »Junia» appears in Romans 16:7, and Paul identifies her (along with Andronicus) as »prominent among the apostles.» In this important work...

236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
236 kr - 236 kr
236 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

Written Gospel

Cambridge U P

Leading experts in New Testament studies discuss the origins, composition and reception of the canonical gospels in the early church within this vo...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr

Gospel of Mary: Listening to the Beloved Disciple


The success of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code has raised new interest in Mary Magdalene and in the Gospel of Mary. Here, the author examines Mary Magda...

319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr

New Perspective on Jesus

Marston Book Services Ltd

Dunn brings into question the methodology and conclusions of various historical Jesus arguments. Jesus is controversial. For two millennia scholar...

178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
178 kr - 178 kr
178 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr

Miracles of Jesus

Marston Book Services Ltd

»There are miracle stories in the Gospels which are usually thought to have their historical origin either in divine miracles performed by Jesus or...

148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
148 kr - 148 kr
148 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr

Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament

Marston Book Services Ltd

Presents a collection of articles, containing essays that include: »The Temple Scroll and the New Testament»; »Ezekiel in some Qumran and New Testa...

312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
312 kr - 312 kr
312 kr
576 kr - 576 kr
576 kr
576 kr - 576 kr
576 kr

Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration


This thoroughly revised edition of Bruce M. Metzger's classic work is the most up-to-date manual available for the textual criticism of the New Tes...

576 kr - 576 kr
576 kr
576 kr - 576 kr
576 kr